USE [CardioLog] GO /****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[func_control_get_path] Script Date: 25-Mar-14 10:57:46 AM ******/ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[func_control_get_path]') AND type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT')) DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[func_control_get_path] GO /****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[func_control_get_path] Script Date: 25-Mar-14 10:57:46 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[func_control_get_path]') AND type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT')) BEGIN execute dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[func_control_get_path] ( @EntityId uniqueidentifier ) RETURNS varchar(1000) AS BEGIN declare @path nvarchar(1000) declare @ParentId uniqueidentifier declare @currId uniqueidentifier declare @name varchar(255) declare @first smallint set @first = 1 set @currId = (select EntityId from tab_virtual_tree where EntityId = @entityId) set @ParentId = (select ParentId from tab_virtual_tree where EntityId = @currId) set @path = '''' while (@ParentId <> ''00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'') begin set @name = (select name from tab_virtual_tree where EntityId = @currId) if (@first = 1) begin set @path = @name + @path set @first = 0 end else set @path = @name + '' > '' + @path set @currId = @ParentId set @ParentId = (select ParentId from tab_virtual_tree where EntityId = @currId) end set @path = ''Reports > '' + @path RETURN @path END ' END GO --======================================== -- Get Reports List --======================================== IF object_id('tempdb..#allReports') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #allReports END IF object_id('tempdb..#allReportsOwners') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #allReportsOwners END IF object_id('tempdb..#allReportsFilters') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #allReportsFilters END IF object_id('tempdb..#scheduledReports') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP TABLE #scheduledReports END CREATE TABLE #allReports( entityId uniqueidentifier, location varchar(500), [path] nvarchar(max), name nvarchar(1000), reportType varchar(20), owners nvarchar(max), timeframe nvarchar(max), timeinterval nvarchar(max), treeItemsIds nvarchar(max), numOfWidgets int, treeItemsUrls nvarchar(max), treeItemsByUrls nvarchar(max), timeFrameTitle nvarchar(max) ) CREATE TABLE #allReportsOwners( entityId uniqueidentifier, owners nvarchar(max) ) CREATE TABLE #allReportsFilters( entityId uniqueidentifier, timeframe nvarchar(max), timeinterval nvarchar(max), treeItemsIds nvarchar(max), treeItemsByUrls nvarchar(max), timeFrameTitle nvarchar(max) ) declare @error varchar (255) insert into #allReports select distinct EntityId, location, '', name, '', '', '', '', '', 0, '', '', '' from tab_virtual_tree where username = 'CARDIOLOG_REPORTS' and EntityType <> 5 order by Location set @error = '#allReports table populated' raiserror (@error,10,1) with nowait insert into #allReportsOwners select a.entityId, STUFF( (select ',' + p.connectedAs from tab_virtual_tree_permissions p where p.[select] = 1 and p.[update] = 1 and p.[delete] = 1 and p.[insert] = 1 and p.entityId = a.entityId FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') AS [owners] from #allReports a join tab_virtual_tree_permissions p on a.entityId = p.entityId group by a.entityId set @error = '#allReportsOwners table populated' raiserror (@error,10,1) with nowait -- remove starting commas from user names list update #allReportsOwners set owners = case when LEFT(owners, 1) = ',' then Right(owners, LEN(owners) - 1) else owners end insert #allReportsFilters select a.entityId, case when (PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) = 0 OR PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) = 0 ) then '' else (substring(prefs, PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) + len(N''), PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) - PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) - len(N''))) end [timeframe], case when (PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) = 0 OR PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) = 0 ) then '' else (substring(prefs, PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) + len(N''), PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) - PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) - len(N''))) end [timeinterval], case when (PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) = 0 OR PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) = 0 ) then '' else (replace(substring(prefs, PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) + len(N''), PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) - PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) - len(N'')),N'0:','')) end [treeItemsIds], case when (PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) = 0 OR PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) = 0 ) then '' else (substring(prefs, PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) + len(N''), PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) - PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) - len(N''))) end [treeItemsByUrls], case when (PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) = 0 OR PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) = 0 ) then '' else (substring(prefs, PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) + len(N''), PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) - PATINDEX(N'%%',prefs) - len(N''))) end [timeFrameTitle] from #allReports a join tab_page_controls pc on a.entityId = pc.EntityId set @error = '#allReportsFilters table populated' raiserror (@error,10,1) with nowait -- set date range filters update a set a.timeframe = f.timeframe, a.timeinterval = f.timeinterval, a.timeFrameTitle = f.timeFrameTitle from #allReports a join #allReportsFilters f on a.entityId = f.entityId set @error = 'Updated date range filters' raiserror (@error,10,1) with nowait -- set owners update a set a.owners = o.owners from #allReports a join #allReportsOwners o on a.entityId = o.entityId set @error = 'Updated reports owners' raiserror (@error,10,1) with nowait -- set tree items filter update a set a.treeItemsIds = f.treeItemsIds, a.treeItemsByUrls = f.treeItemsByUrls from #allReports a join #allReportsFilters f on a.entityId = f.entityId set @error = 'Updated tree items filters' raiserror (@error,10,1) with nowait -- set number of widgets update a set a.numOfWidgets = (select COUNT(*) from tab_page_controls pc where a.entityId = pc.EntityId) from #allReports a set @error = 'Updated number of widgets' raiserror (@error,10,1) with nowait -- set report type update a set a.reportType = CASE WHEN rs.[type] = 0 THEN 'Daily' WHEN rs.[type] = 1 THEN 'Weekly' WHEN rs.[type] = 2 THEN 'Monthly' ELSE 'Ad-Hoc' END from #allReports a join tab_reports_scheduler rs on a.entityId = rs.EntityId set @error = 'Updated reports types' raiserror (@error,10,1) with nowait -- go over each treeItemsIds and get url DECLARE @treeItemsIds varchar(max) DECLARE ids_cursor CURSOR FOR select treeItemsIds from #allReports where treeItemsIds <> 'static' and treeItemsIds <> 'customize' OPEN ids_cursor; FETCH NEXT FROM ids_cursor INTO @treeItemsIds; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN update a set a.treeItemsUrls = ( select data.url + ',' as 'data()' from (SELECT tr.url FROM [dbo].fnsplit ( @treeItemsIds, ',')D join tab_sharepoint_tree tr on CONVERT(uniqueidentifier,D.item) = tr.ID) data for xml path('') ) from #allReports a where a.treeItemsIds = @treeItemsIds FETCH NEXT FROM ids_cursor INTO @treeItemsIds; END; CLOSE ids_cursor; DEALLOCATE ids_cursor; set @error = 'Updated tree items url' raiserror (@error,10,1) with nowait -- remove ending commas from urls list update #allReports set treeItemsUrls = case when RIGHT(treeItemsUrls, 1) = ',' then LEFT(treeItemsUrls, LEN(treeItemsUrls) - 1) else treeItemsUrls end -- update reports paths update #allReports set [path] = [dbo].[func_control_get_path] (EntityId) set @error = 'Updated reports paths' raiserror (@error,10,1) with nowait -- final select select CASE WHEN ISNULL(,'') = '' then '(Not set)' else end as [Name], --ar.location as [Tree Level], ISNULL(ar.path,N'(Path Could not be determined)') [path], --ar.entityId [entityId], ISNULL(ar.numOfWidgets,0) as [numOfWidgets], CASE WHEN ISNULL(ar.reportType,'') = '' THEN 'Ad-Hoc' else ar.reportType end AS [type], CASE WHEN ISNULL(ar.owners,'') = '' THEN '(Not set)' ELSE ar.owners end [Owner(s)], CASE WHEN ar.treeItemsUrls is null THEN '(No widgets)' WHEN ar.treeItemsUrls = 'http://Root/' THEN 'All' when ar.treeItemsUrls = '' then ar.treeItemsByUrls else ar.treeItemsUrls end as [treeItemsUrls], CASE WHEN ar.timeframe = '600000000' and ar.timeinterval = '600000000' then 'This Hour' WHEN ar.timeframe = '-600000000' and ar.timeinterval = '600000000' then 'Last Hour' WHEN ar.timeframe = '36000000000' and ar.timeinterval = '36000000000' then 'This Day' WHEN ar.timeframe = '-36000000000' and ar.timeinterval = '36000000000' then 'Last Day' when ar.timeframe = '864000000000' and ar.timeinterval = '864000000000' then 'This Week' when ar.timeframe = '-864000000000' and ar.timeinterval = '864000000000' then 'Last Week' when ar.timeframe = '6048000000000' and ar.timeinterval = '6048000000000' then 'This Month' when ar.timeframe = '-6048000000000' and ar.timeinterval = '6048000000000' then 'Last Month' when ar.timeframe = '25920000000000' and ar.timeinterval = '25920000000000' then 'This Quarter' when ar.timeframe = '-25920000000000' and ar.timeinterval = '25920000000000' then 'Last Quarter' when ar.timeframe = '77760000000000' and ar.timeinterval = '77760000000000' then 'This Year' when ar.timeframe = '-77760000000000' and ar.timeinterval = '77760000000000' then 'Last Year' when isnull(ar.timeFrameTitle,'') <> '' then ar.timeFrameTitle else '(Not set)' end [Date Range] from #allReports ar order by ar.location GO