Sitrion Inactive Users Report

CardioLog Analytics – The Only On Premise SharePoint Analytics Solution for Enterprises

Is your Sitrion participation up to par? By tracking who your inactive users are, you can get a clear indication of who’s lagging behind in your Sitrion portal activity. Even though your company invested in Sitrion, it’ may not be a done deal that your users are actually utilizing the portal for their collaborative benefit. They were “supposed” to create a user account, but are they actually doing it? Find out the facts about your inactive Sitrion users with CardioLog Analytics Inactive Users Reports. In a table form, you can see which users are registered and have set up their account, but aren’t really making that “team effort” in regard to the Sitrion Sphere. You have invested a lot of time and money in your SharePoint portal’s Sitrion platform, shouldn’t your employees be maximizing their opportunities for social portal collaboration? By identifying those who aren’t making the cut, you can then get them on the right track with training and expert guidance.

Sitrion Inactive Users Report

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