Top 3 Survey Questions to Ask your Users After Performing a Search

Getting feedback from your users is one of the best ways to improve your SharePoint portal. Who knows the portal best besides the users who interact with it on a daily basis? One of the most useful aspects of an intranet portal is the ability to search for internal information. This ideally saves a lot[…]

Top 3 Metrics to Consult when Optimizing SharePoint Advanced Search

Searching through your company’s SharePoint portal to find an answer isn’t always easy. Sometimes the document that answers your question is hidden on page four of the search results and sometimes that document does not even exist. Improving search for end users is vital to save the company time and save employees from frustration. If[…]

Improve FAST Search for SharePoint with Analytics

You are already invested in FAST Search for SharePoint, which provides your website visitors and portal users with a potentially dynamic search facility. Now you just need to make sure it fulfills that huge potential. How can CardioLog Analytics assist you in making sure your portal search investment is realized? To put it simply, the[…]