Product Roadmap

CardioLog Analytics is constantly dedicated to helping you improve the effectiveness of your SharePoint portals and Microsoft 365 environments. By embracing the newest technology and responding to customer feedback, CardioLog Analytics seeks to adapt our solution based on the most up-to-date innovations. Below is our analytics roadmap that details some of the new features, platforms supported, and changes on the horizon.

Augmented Analytics

Augmented Analytics drives SharePoint adoption and user productivity with NexGen SaaS-based data analytics maps and insights. Augmented Analytics pinpoints problematic areas on the SharePoint page so you can take action based on the data. What’s neat about Augmented Analytics is that the insights are actionable because they connect directly to an action you can take to solve a problem on the platform. These actionable insights are extremely helpful because they serve as a guiding light for what you should prioritize on your platform to help drive business productivity. Visualizing the tracked data in different formats helps with easier interpretation and analysis.

New Augmented Analytics features

  • Mouse Trail Map – Shows the mouse movement of a specific session and text entered. With this feature you can see what your users are looking at within a page. By leveraging the mouse trail map, you can identify hover patterns that can help discover areas of high visitor frustration, which is useful when seeking to optimize complex pages made up of text, images, varied dynamic elements, and more and this real-time eye-tracking helps to get to get the largest insights into the interests and journey your users take whilst browsing content.

Actionable Insights

Augmented Analytics’ insights are actionable because it connects directly to an action you can take to solve a problem on the platform. These actionable insights are extremely helpful because they serve as a guiding light for what you should prioritize on your platform to help drive business productivity.

Augmented Analytics’ meaningful insights take you step by step in order to improve your site or content.

Insights include:

  • Navigation Insights
    • Suggestions about where to add links to those pages users will on most likely they will end
      Pages with a high exit rate which lots of people are going to and then a high percentage choose to leave, recommend using the click map/heat map to review exactly how people use these pages.
    • Pages that people are consistently navigating to internally, and thus highly important for them. Suggest surfacing the content on these pages on the homepage.
  • Article links optimization
    • Suggestions about where to direct links based on how much time people spend on content they were directed to.
    • Suggestions pointing users to a specific part of a page based on users, for example not scrolling all the way to the bottom of a page where important content might be placed.
    • Get insights and suggestions about articles people viewed when clicking on links. Find out what they actually read from that article using the specific link you gave them and also suggest expanding on the topics that people take interest in with regards to the content you are writing.
  • Skipped content insights– Shows content that most people skip over so action can be taken to delete, archive, or surface it.
  • Device usage insights
    • Shows viewing time for visitors using desktop browsers compared to mobile devices and suggestions that will improve their mobile viewing experience.
    • Insights about which browser the click through rate for links, buttons,or images) was higher in.
  • Unused content insights – Unused links on the page that are located in areas that most visitors do not reach and also recommendations about where to possibly more them and also insights on money lost on creating and storing this unused media.

Advanced-Data Filtering

  • By date
  • Bu user department
  • By geography
  • By office
  • By specific user

Sentiment Analysis for CardioLog Engage

Seeing as how incredibly valuable it can be, we will be adding Sentiment Analysis to CardioLog Engage. Sentiment Analysis automatically determines the emotional tone behind online conversations and feedback. It is basically the process of detecting positive or negative sentiment in text.
CardioLog Engage will add sentiment analysis to its campaign responses which will be very useful to understand the response for the open text type response to help to better understand user feedback to give them the right support and training.
Sentiment Analysis will significantly help organizations to sort data at scale, identify critical issues in real-time and improve accuracy and gain better insights because criteria is more consistent.

Expanding Insights into the Microsoft Viva Suite

We’re excited to announce that CardioLog Analytics is developing powerful analytics capabilities for the new Microsoft Viva suite, soon to be available for our customers. These integrations will provide comprehensive insights into each Viva product in the Microsoft Viva Suite, helping organizations maximize their employee experience initiatives.

Viva Learning

CardioLog Analytics will soon introduce new reporting capabilities for Viva Learning, including Content Engagement, Course Completion Rates, Skill Development Trends, and Learning Adoption by Department. These reports will provide organizations with valuable insights into how employees interact with learning content, identify skill gaps, and optimize learning strategies for higher engagement and effectiveness. With these enhanced analytics, organizations can better understand the impact of their learning programs and make data-driven decisions to improve user experiences.

Viva Goals

As part of our upcoming roadmap, CardioLog Analytics will enhance its reporting capabilities for Viva Goals to provide even more valuable insights. New reports will include Goal Progress Tracking, Objective Alignment, Goal Achievement Rate by Department, and Time to Goal Completion. Additionally, reports on User Interaction with Goals and Engagement with Goal-Related Communications will offer a deeper understanding of how users engage with their goals and objectives. These advanced analytics will help organizations optimize their goal-setting processes, improve alignment with strategic objectives, and drive overall performance and productivity.

Viva Sales

CardioLog Analytics will soon introduce enhanced reporting capabilities for Microsoft Viva Sales to provide deeper insights into sales performance and activities. New reports will include Sales Funnel Analysis, Deal Win/Loss Analysis, and Sales Rep Performance Comparison to help identify areas for improvement and optimize sales strategies. Additionally, reports like Customer Engagement Metrics, Lead Source Effectiveness, and Pipeline Velocity will offer a more detailed understanding of sales dynamics, enabling organizations to refine their sales processes and drive better results. These advanced analytics will empower sales teams to make data-driven decisions, improve forecasting accuracy, and maximize revenue opportunities.

Viva Pulse

We’re developing reporting capabilities for Microsoft Viva Pulse to provide even more valuable insights into employee feedback and engagement. In addition to out-of-the-box usage reports, new CardioLog Analytics reports will include Sentiment Analysis Trends, identifying shifts in employee sentiment over time, and Feedback Response Rate Analysis to measure engagement levels and identify areas where response rates could be improved. Reports such as Departmental Feedback Comparisons and Topic-Specific Feedback Insights will offer a more detailed understanding of feedback patterns across different teams and focus areas, empowering organizations to make data-driven decisions to enhance employee experience and organizational culture.

Viva Glint

As part of our future roadmap, CardioLog Analytics will enhance its reporting capabilities for Viva Glint to provide deeper insights into employee feedback and engagement. Beyond the existing out-of-the-box reports, new CardioLog Analytics reports will include Sentiment Analysis Over Time to track shifts in employee mood, Comparative Analysis of Employee Feedback to benchmark against industry standards, and Engagement Correlation Reports to analyze how survey responses correlate with employee retention and performance. Additionally, advanced Text Analytics will provide more detailed insights into comment themes and sentiment drivers, empowering organizations to take more targeted actions to improve employee satisfaction and organizational culture.

CardioLog Analytics Q&A bot in Teams

With CardioLog Analytics Q&A bot in Teams users can get insights about specific reports quickly and easily. By simply chatting with your bot and starting to ask questions, users can get valuable answers from the bot that will help them be more productive and get the necessary support for themselves or other users.
With this new feature, you can easily get insights such as all the users who did not take advantage of the new content or all the users who did not view the new important policy.

The easiest way to get insights about Microsoft 365 usage will be to quickly ask the bot a simple question such as

  • How many views did the CEO’ blog in SharePoint get on a particular day?
  • What was the last activity date for a specific team?
  • What is the percentage of inactive users in a specific team?
  • What are the least used apps in Teams in a particular time frame.
  • Who are the most influential users in Viva Engage?
  • What are the most popular topics in Viva Engage?
  • Who are the most inactive users in OneDrive?

The bot will then answer questions about the analytics data collected for the Teams, and with these actionable insights organizations can make necessary changes to support users and drive user productivity.

Microsoft 365 App Tracking

Integration with Microsoft 365 Groups

Microsoft 365 Groups allows users to connect with colleagues, share information, and collaborate more effectively. CardioLog Analytics will import these groups, enabling users to filter reports by group and set permissions based on group membership. This added functionality provides more tailored reporting and ensures that insights are accessible to the right people within your organization.

Microsoft Stream (on SharePoint)

Microsoft Stream is a video service in Microsoft Office 365 that allows users to easily upload and share videos across the platform. This feature helps keep users engaged and informed which helps users communicate ideas more smoothly and efficiently. CardioLog Analytics can report on which content is being viewed the most and can also track the number of times a user has clicked on a certain video in order to effectively address any issues with engagement, helping to increase productivity within the organization.

Special Web parts

New web parts will be available to add to your site. These web parts include reports like Top Contributing Users, Content You May Like and more.


CardioLog Analytics is soon introducing analytics for Copilot in Microsoft 365, empowering organizations to measure and optimize their use of this AI-powered productivity tool. With these new capabilities, organizations can gain valuable insights into how Copilot is being utilized across their workforce, track adoption trends, and identify opportunities for greater engagement. By providing detailed analytics on Copilot usage, CardioLog Analytics enables businesses to enhance user experiences, drive more effective use of the platform, and maximize their return on investment in Microsoft 365.

SharePoint Add-Ins Deprecation

As part of Microsoft’s efforts to enhance security, improve performance, and integrate with modern Microsoft 365 services, SharePoint Add-Ins are being deprecated. These Add-Ins, previously available in the Microsoft Store for our SaaS products, will no longer be installable on new tenants. Existing customers can continue using the Add-Ins until April 2026 or access configuration pages via a direct link. Going forward, new customers will use a direct link to access configuration pages, and we will soon introduce new supported apps in the Microsoft Store to replace the existing Add-Ins.

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The information contained herein is intended to outline general product direction. The content is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into any contract. The information presented is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality. Any references to the development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for these products remain at Intlock’s sole discretion.