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CardioLog Analytics – The Only On Premise SharePoint Analytics Solution for Enterprises

Our Consulting services are designed to ensure you not only understand the insights presented to you within your CardioLog Analytics reports, but to extend your knowledge into a concrete plan that you and your consultant can develop hand-in-hand to meet your SharePoint business goals. We can help you learn how to successfully engage your users, give your user productivity a nice jolt and jump, and get your portal collaboration and optimization soaring.

Our experts will guide you in your process of dissecting the data you gain with CardioLog Analytics’ reports, and you can truly make the most of the statistics you acquire. The reports generated can mean much more than numbers and information when you transform them into a step by step process that is your doorway to SharePoint portal success, with adoption number increase, a statistical proof of your ROI climbing.

  • After informing our consultants of your SharePoint portal goals, and/or approaching our consultants for direction on how to best improve and optimize your portal, our team can help you identify which reports will offer the most relevant metrics that measure the most valuable statistics based on your needs. The data gathered can help you pinpoint how objectives can be reached, and the statistics from the reports can be used to optimize your SharePoint portal.
  • Once your reports are generated and metrics regarding your SharePoint portal are gathered, we can help you with the process of identifying your challenges, then our team of consultants can assist you by providing guidance as to how to optimize your portal. For example, if one of your SharePoint portal goals is to ensure that users are accessing specific content from your homepage, and based on CardioLog Analytics’ reports you identify that users are not accessing this information from your portal’s homepage, you can optimize and amend the homepage’s design to reach your goals. We can provide specific and concrete feedback and ideas to ensure that you truly maximize your portal productivity and engage users.
  • Your company can acquire end users’ feedback with the help of Voice of Customer surveys, and then focus the SharePoint portal design and content to further extend findability and ease of use for particular visitor segments, based on their real needs using a tool like CardioLog Analytics’ Behavioral Targeting.
