SharePoint Gamification – Unlock Employee Engagement through Games

Finding new and fun ways to motivate your employees can sometimes be a challenge. Your staff might be disconnected from your intranet or struggling to adjust to a portal migration. This wreaks havoc on a company’s finances as disengaged employees cost the U.S. $450-550 billion every year. Finding ways to get your employees excited about[…]

CardioLog Analytics Now Tracks SharePoint Modern Pages

SharePoint recently released a new update: Modern SharePoint. SharePoint’s new modern experience extends to hub sites, lists, libraries, and team sites. It is available to those who have an Office 365 subscription. If you already have a site in SharePoint Online, you’ve probably been using modern lists and pages without even realizing it. Why Was[…]

7 Benefits of Using CardioLog’s Advanced Features for Business Users

Your organization has taken its SharePoint Analytics and Reporting initiatives by the reigns. You may have assigned a steering team to create an organized plan for how to tackle challenges in the SharePoint portal, as well as use SharePoint Analytics to solve these issues and improve the portal. As a business user, you’ve become familiar[…]

Introduction to Intranet Analytics: New eBook available

An Introduction to Intranet Analytics Ebook is now available for viewing. Start your SharePoint analytics journey with this simple and easy-to-consume Ebook. If your organization is leveraging analytics for your SharePoint portal, you may be asking yourself: How can I increase portal productivity? In what ways can I better engage with portal users? What methods[…]

Improve FAST Search for SharePoint with Analytics

You are already invested in FAST Search for SharePoint, which provides your website visitors and portal users with a potentially dynamic search facility. Now you just need to make sure it fulfills that huge potential. How can CardioLog Analytics assist you in making sure your portal search investment is realized? To put it simply, the[…]