Intlock and Beezy Team Up for Joint Webinar “Bridging IT & Business Expectations for SharePoint”

“Make Love Not War”

A common phrase, yet not too often heard in the SharePoint community. When IT and business stakeholders join forces, the possibilities for increased productivity and connectedness grow exponentially. The alliance of IT and Business will not only lead to an enhanced user-centric experience but also ensure that bridges are built and roadmaps aligned between business goals and IT objectives. Many organizations face the reality of a less-than-successful SharePoint project, oftentimes due to the lack of unity between senior management and IT.

Join our upcoming webinar “Bridging IT & Business Expectations for SharePoint” to discover how collaboration tools and analytics can transform the way enterprises approach SharePoint and their overall collaboration engagement.

To register, click here.

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About Beezy

Beezy is the premier enterprise collaboration solution for Office 365 and SharePoint, extending and improving the feature set for on-premises, cloud, and hybrid deployments. We are on a mission to transform the way people work and to help employees be more connected, innovative, and happy. Beezy is used across various industries and at a global scale by some of the world’s largest organizations, such as multi-nationals Vodafone and Transocean. Beezy is a privately held software company headquartered in Silicon Valley.