Finding Your SharePoint Champions

Implementing SharePoint is a challenge, to say the least. It takes a lot of IT and management hours to define what we want to achieve with our portal, followed by many hours implementing and customizing SharePoint according to our requirements. Then, we need to start building team sites and tweaking the portal pages according to[…]

SharePoint Gamification – Unlock Employee Engagement through Games

Finding new and fun ways to motivate your employees can sometimes be a challenge. Your staff might be disconnected from your intranet or struggling to adjust to a portal migration. This wreaks havoc on a company’s finances as disengaged employees cost the U.S. $450-550 billion every year. Finding ways to get your employees excited about[…]

CardioLog Analytics Now Tracks SharePoint Modern Pages

SharePoint recently released a new update: Modern SharePoint. SharePoint’s new modern experience extends to hub sites, lists, libraries, and team sites. It is available to those who have an Office 365 subscription. If you already have a site in SharePoint Online, you’ve probably been using modern lists and pages without even realizing it. Why Was[…]

SharePoint Governance

Governance is an important part of every SharePoint deployment. Like most things, a portal has its rules; what is allowed, and what isn’t. If there are no rules there’s chaos, and as most know, SharePoint can be a pretty chaotic place in and of itself. This is why we need to have a clear governance[…]

Analyzing Intranets and Corporate Portals – Part II

In my previous post I described the difficulties that occur when analyzing corporate portals and measuring portal ROI using regular web analytic tools. In a nutshell, the most common problem with analyzing corporate portals in general and SharePoint, in particular, is the fact that portals are actually controlled by any number of users. They are[…]

Analyzing Intranets and Corporate Portals – Part I

Have you ever tried applying classic web analytic methodologies to your corporate portal? If so, you’ve probably noticed that although the basic metrics work properly, the interpretations of those metrics are not as straightforward as might be expected. Finding a web analytic solution for a corporate portal is a process. It usually begins when whoever[…]

My two cents about Clicky’s new bounce rate definition

Clicky recently redefined the term “bounce rate”. According to the post that they published, they now define “bounce” as “a visitor who has only one pageview, and who is on the site for less than 30 seconds.” While the basic idea is good, I would like to raise several issues regarding the implementation of their[…]