CardioLog Infographic for Administrators (infographic)

CardioLog Analytics for SharePoint Portals

Over the course of a year, our customers were able to*…

Save Infrastructure Resources

Detected over 15,400 unused sites and sub sites
Freed over 350 terabytes of hard disk space
Detected 329,000 unused lists and list items prior to migration
Prevented the migration of 900 terabytes of unutilized data to the new environment

Increase Portal Collaboration

Identified 1,092
of the most influential Intranet users
Distributed IT knowledge between site owners
Located 1,046,000 orphaned documents
Classified documents for greatly increased ease-of-use

Improve Portal Usability

Located 3,043 unused homepage buttons
Redesigned over 3,000 homepages to better serve end users
unused page links
Redesigned 15,112 pages to better serve end users

Drive Portal Optimization

Identified 150,099 outdated documents
Improved site relevance by identifying documents needing updates
outdated list items
Improved site relevance by identifying old wikis, announcements, support tickets, and more
*The information herein was gathered through customer surveys.

Try CardioLog Analytics

A Web Analytics Solution for SharePoint Internal Portals