PII Concealment Tool

One of CardioLog’s advanced capabilities is the ability to track authenticated users. Since some organizations and countries have strict privacy laws, CardioLog Analytics includes a features which conceals any personal data so that CardioLog Analytics customers can enjoy the rich reports and filtering options while still abiding by local laws. The PII (personal identifiable information) Concealment tool is designed to protect this data by a secured license, which protects user information and disables their appearance in the user interface and/or reports. The PII license is configured so that the database will not return the user information to the user interface. Therefore, via the PII algorithm, the server-side service generates random IDs for each user. These IDs are comprised of 20 numeric and alphabetic digits. This encrypted unique ID is the only information that is being sent to the client side, no other personal information is shared. As a result, the client side continues to provide accurate usage and statistical insights without presenting any personal user information.

PII Concealment Tool

The following information and actions are being encrypted and/or disabled within the CardioLog Analytics user interface, across the entire system:

  1. Reports that show the user display names (such as unique users, content contributors, document modifiers, etc.)
  2. Filtering reports by specific users (even if you try to search the user in the Users and Groups filter, it will not show up).
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