How To Increase Employee Engagement and Productivity in SharePoint and Microsoft 365

It’s no secret that technology can help organizations drive employee engagement and take their productivity levels to astounding heights. Many large enterprises spend large amounts of resources on training their employees on their SharePoint and Microsoft 365 portals, yet oftentimes don’t realize that there are many small and simplistic steps they can take to boost[…]

What are the differences between Basecamp and SharePoint? Which one is better?

Most people know BaseCamp as a project management software platform and SharePoint as a tool for collaborative work and communication. The truth is, there is actually more to these two than what they are known for. Often, organizations and employers choose between tools for their teams and employees. But which intranet solution is better? Here’s[…]

How to Use SharePoint Mobile App for Better Collaboration on the Go

SharePoint is one of the go-to choices for corporate and small teams to collaborate on work. Over the years, it has been constantly improved to introduce new features that will boost its performance and functionality. In 2016, SharePoint was made available via the launch of its mobile app.  This is a very promising idea –[…]

Box vs. Microsoft SharePoint: Which Is Better in 2021

Finding a reliable document management tool is a must for small businesses and professionals. It makes it easier to access essential documents and share them among other members of the organization. If you are looking for the best document management system on the market, you have come to the right place. You will discover the[…]

SharePoint Online vs. On-Premises: How to Choose the Right Platform for Your Business

Primarily developed for electronic document management and content management, throughout the years, SharePoint has evolved into a platform fully capable of handling everything a company or an organization would ever need. This includes project management, communications, and knowledge sharing. Despite its comprehensive list of features and functions, many companies are still hesitant to move to[…]

Top 3 Survey Questions to Ask your Users After Performing a Search

Getting feedback from your users is one of the best ways to improve your SharePoint portal. Who knows the portal best besides the users who interact with it on a daily basis? One of the most useful aspects of an intranet portal is the ability to search for internal information. This ideally saves a lot[…]

Finding Your SharePoint Champions

Implementing SharePoint is a challenge, to say the least. It takes a lot of IT and management hours to define what we want to achieve with our portal, followed by many hours implementing and customizing SharePoint according to our requirements. Then, we need to start building team sites and tweaking the portal pages according to[…]

SharePoint Gamification – Unlock Employee Engagement through Games

Finding new and fun ways to motivate your employees can sometimes be a challenge. Your staff might be disconnected from your intranet or struggling to adjust to a portal migration. This wreaks havoc on a company’s finances as disengaged employees cost the U.S. $450-550 billion every year. Finding ways to get your employees excited about[…]