CardioLog Analytics Vs. HarePoint Analytics

The Only On Premise SharePoint Analytics Solution for Enterprises

A Benchmark Comparison – Much More Than Just Analytics

Using SharePoint usage reports and SharePoint collaboration and engagement business solutions opens new opportunities for managers to increase portal collaboration and drive employee productivity, leveraging the most important asset an organization possesses: human capital. Empowering and cultivating this resource requires innovative management, clear portal goals, and the right tailor-made SharePoint Analytics tools.

In the below table, you can see a description comparison between CardioLog Analytics & SharePoint Marketing Suite and HarePoint Analytics for SharePoint. View CardioLog Analytics vs. Google Analytics

HarepointCardioLog Analytics
  • HarePoint only provides analytics for a limited number of SharePoint versions, not including SharePoint Online which is gradually becoming a more commonly used version of SharePoint
  • HarePoint requires inefficient and time-consuming configuration for every SharePoint farm
  • HarePoint is limited to generating separate reports for each farm in a multiple farm environment, unable to generate unified reports and creating more work, inefficiency and lost time. Therefore, organizations with multiple farms are not able to acquire a sense of their overall enterprise usage and performance.
  • All versions of SharePoint must be compatible with the versions of HarePoint – which means complicated migration, and duplicated report generation to access two or more environments.
  • HarePoint’s configuration and administration is carried out via SharePoint Central Administration which creates dependency on SharePoint services, such that if SharePoint systems are down, HarePoint system jobs are also down.
  • CardioLog Analytics can analyze all data from any version of SharePoint including SharePoint 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 and SharePoint Online
  • With the extensive ability to handle vast amounts of traffic, along with its ability to support an endless number of page views, farms and web-front-ends, CardioLog Analytics presents both unrivaled scalability and a viable option to centralize a company’s analytics, in particular enterprises with multiple SharePoint environments and farms
  • CardioLog Analytics uses one solution to monitors all farms, regardless of the SharePoint version. For example, SharePoint farms in Canada and those in China within one company can be monitored by the same tool, regardless of whether one farm functions on SharePoint 2007 and the other on SharePoint 2013
  • CardioLog Analytics also offers a single dashboard for multiples farms, so that data is easier to understand and visualize, along with a simple and user-friendly interface
  • CardioLog Analytics offers analysis of your SharePoint environment during all stages of migration from one SharePoint version to another, allowing you to identify extraneous content that occupies space within your SharePoint environment, giving you the option to eliminate extraneous content and save time with your SharePoint migration
  • CardioLog Analytics offers a dedicated UI and independent solution that is configured, administered, and managed without any concern of the tool malfunctioning if the SharePoint infrastructure is not functioning
  • CardioLog Analytics offers analysis for all types of intranet, extranet, and internet sites, enterprise applications, and mobile applications above and beyond SharePoint sites for which the tool was ultimately designed for.
  • Amongst our roster of large scale clients with heavier traffic and volume are massive Fortune 500 corporations based internationally, each of them currently using CardioLog Analytics to maximize their SharePoint environment’s productivity.
Data Collection
  • HarePoint collects usage data via HTTP module out-of-the-box, limiting the search data collection that requires additional configuration of JavaScript code, requiring extra time to configure.
  • HarePoint’s data collection stops entirely with the expiration of their trial version.
  • HarePoint does not offer the option to view or import historical data, prior to the installation of the analytics solution.
  • CardioLog Analytics’ ideal system of data collected is performed via the certified Microsoft SharePoint Feature.
  • With CardioLog Analytics’ use of JavaScript code, user behavior can be tracked within browsers such as mouse clicks on buttons, banners, playing videos, filling out form fields and more, which is not possible with HarePoint’s HTTP module. Administrators can also add the JavaScript code to a common component in SharePoint master pages.
  • Administrators can also add the JavaScript code to a common component in SharePoint master pages.
  • CardioLog Analytics’ data collection will continue after a trial version of the software expires. Upon purchase of a commercial edition of CardioLog Analytics, previous data collected can be restored and easily retrieved with report generation.
  • CardioLog Analytics imports any user information from Active Directory, Attributes, SharePoint User Profiles and any other customer sources requested.
  • CardioLog Analytics can import SharePoint usage data from IIS Logs, which can be used to generate reports based on data and activity within the SharePoint environment, prior to CardioLog Analytics’ installation.
Enterprise Effectiveness
  • HarePoint limits compatibility to only a few versions of SharePoint, offering a smaller range of insight and tracking options.
  • CardioLog Analytics’ extensive tracking and data collection tools provide the ultimate means for analyzing all SharePoint environments
  • With nearly a decade of providing the leading solution for SharePoint Analytics to businesses worldwide, CardioLog Analytics offers stability, reliability and the most comprehensive SharePoint Analytics tool on the market
  • With its niche and exclusive design for SharePoint environments, CardioLog Analytics tracks the usage within all SharePoint environments, including SharePoint Online and SharePoint 2013, as well as Viva Engage (Yammer) and other 3rd party applications
  • CardioLog Analytics does not stop at usage tracking and analytics reports. The advanced solution offers high quality and sophisticated engagement and collaboration tools, designed specifically for SharePoint. The tools range from Voice of Customer Surveys, Message Bar, Behavioral Targeting and the ability to export reports to a web part
  • HarePoint only offers an on-premise solution, limiting those who require their analytics solution to be cloud-based. This option offers little flexibility based on the diverse needs of customers.
  • CardioLog Analytics offers both an on-premise and on-demand solution, providing greater flexibility and options based on your business needs.
  • With our team’s top performers and developers, CardioLog Analytics can be customized and amended to adapt to your requirements; it can be augmented by your administrators to ensure you acquire the most out of your analytics tool.
  • CardioLog Analytics offers CRM and Salesforce Adaptors allowing users to access CardioLog Analytics reports within their leads and accounts dashboards. These adapters are useful tools that can provide convenient and easily accessible information regarding SharePoint site lead and account activity, which is displayed within the CRM or Salesforce dashboards right next to lead or account contact information. This feature can help sales representatives and relevant CRM users to identify warm leads, business development opportunities and a potential increase in revenue.
  • Beneficial to all users is CardioLog Analytics’ ability to track your usage prior to installing CardioLog Analytics.
  • With consideration for all SharePoint content types, such as community sites, wiki pages, blog posts, news articles, and documents included, CardioLog Analytics offers the most insightful reports on all SharePoint content.
  • CardioLog Analytics’ Extended tracking API allows you to easily monitor your users’ activity as they click on a button or a banner, play videos, fill out form fields, or interact with other types of UI components.
  • Custom reports (SDK) offered by CardioLog Analytics gives you the option to create customized reports to meet your organization’s specific needs. You can dictate the exact scope of the data, include data from additional sources in your organization, and control its visual appearance.
  • HarePoint first development of analytics for SharePoint began in 2008, and their initial solution was not designed for SharePoint.
  • Both CardioLog Analytics, developed in 2005, and SharePoint Marketing Suite, developed in 2010, were developed specifically for SharePoint in collaboration with Microsoft.
  • Always reaching to exceed the mark of excellence of web analytics standards, Intlock is constantly enhancing its tools and features based off of customer feedback. With our SharePoint Visitor Engagement Package, you can do the same in your portal. This package helps you to create customizable surveys, allowing you to get feedback from your end users on issues within the portal.
Segments & Optimize
  • HarePoint User Segmentation is limited to Active Directory groups, Active Directory, Attributes, SharePoint User Profiles and IIS roles, limiting data results and analysis to these few segments, thus providing limited options for optimization.
  • With Enhanced User Segmentation, CardioLog Analytics offers integrating user information from any Active Directory, Attribute, SharePoint User Profiles or custom sources effortlessly into our analytics tool, and you can filter reports by relevant data on employees and partners using your SharePoint sites.
  • Our segmentation solution has been in use by our clients for nearly a decade, providing the most advanced targeting solution on the market
  • Dynamics CRM and Salesforce users can benefit from CardioLog Analytics’ brilliant feature that enables importing user information from both of these external systems in order to utilize the data and target your site users
  • HarePoint is priced based on the number of SharePoint users, creating a potentially wasteful and inefficient pricing model. For larger enterprises that maintain 10,000 SharePoint user and up, the solution can incur costs that are unnecessary and potentially useless, as not all registered SharePoint users actually use the organization’s SharePoint environment
  • CardioLog Analytics offers a practical pricing model, based on page views. This means organizations are buying a high-quality product based on usage, as opposed to irrelevant user numbers that may not accurately represent those actually using the SharePoint environment.
Report Features
  • HarePoint only offers a set of reports that cannot be altered and are limiting
  • CardioLog Analytics offers unlimited options for report customization.
  • Every end user and administrator can create custom reports based on their needs using any combination of widgets, such as tables, meters, charts, and graphs to visualize data and display specific site usage and visits with CardioLog Analytics
  • All reports can be filtered according to all categories from SharePoint Active Directory, SharePoint User Profiles, Dynamic CRM entity fields and any custom third-party tool requested.
  • CardioLog Analytics’ unique SharePoint tree structure allows for the generation of reports based on your specific needs and challenges, evaluating and analyzing all content types available within SharePoint and drill down deep into a specific section or sub-section of your site, even down to the level of single pages and documents, for a richly detailed analysis.
Search Reports
  • Specific reports such as Average Onsite Searches per Visit, Onsite Searches: Failed versus Successful, Onsite Search Origin Pages, and Visits with Onsite Searches that CardioLog Analytics does offer are not available with HarePoint
  • CardioLog Analytics offers Search reports that are unavailable with HarePoint, such as:
    • Average Onsite Searches per Visit
    • Onsite Searches: Failed versus Successful
    • Onsite Search Origin Pages
    • Visits with Onsite Searches

    Each of these reports offers a broader understanding of search activity within your SharePoint environment. Identifying the above-listed statistics can help SharePoint Administrators optimize SharePoint content design on specific pages from which searches were made, and improve search results and overall search efficiency in identifying which pages did not bring users to the results they were initially looking for

Navigation Reports
  • HarePoint offers an inefficient list of URL navigation data that is difficult to understand and retrieve useful data from, requiring more time invested by end users looking to understand the value of the data
  • Navigation Summary report is a three-page path analysis: the previous page, the selected page, and the next page. It can show you if your website’s visitors are following the paths that you’re looking for them to take to ultimately complete the desired action, rather than HarePoint that offers a long list of data for the URL that doesn’t provide a concrete, overall analysis of the navigation for that specific URL.
  • CardioLog Analytics offers a report indicating the statistics on SharePoint Entrance Paths, providing detailed insight on where users’ navigation begins, (HarePoint does not offer this report).
  • The External Destinations report presents data on outbound links that navigate to websites or applications outside of the SharePoint environment, highly useful for administrator portal design and optimization. Admins can recognize which websites are visited most and by which users, departments, and more.
SharePoint Social Reports
  • Not Available
  • CardioLog Analytics offers social reports for Facebook, and YouTube with use of API, as well as social metrics for SharePoint 2013: likes, rating, and more
Viva Engage (Yammer) Reports
  • Not Available
  • CardioLog Analytics offers Viva Engage (Yammer) Reports, now in high demand with the increase of Viva Engage (Yammer) integration within SharePoint environments and as a primary social media platform within various organizations. Viva Engage (Yammer) reports provide insight on statistics such as user activity, groups, top groups, user adoption, likes, shares, top content and much more
Engagement Tools
  • Not Available
  • CardioLog Analytics’ advanced Engagement Package tools, such as the exclusive Voice of Customer Surveys that allow end users to provide feedback on their SharePoint usage experience (such as the specific activity they may be performing, or how successful their search may be). This tool provides valuable insight to Administrators on how to optimize their SharePoint environment to increase efficiency.
  • Tools such as Message Bar also provide users with an easy means to acquire updates, custom messages for specific segments along with being redirected to a specific page with hyperlinks. The Message Bar can be personalized and is discreet while still reaching out to users in a forward and attractive manner.
  • The Behavioral Targeting Tool can customize the UI of SharePoint portals based on SharePoint Active Directory, SharePoint User Profiles, and Unique Users, or any other custom segment.
Optimization Tools
  • Not Available
  • CardioLog Analytics offers SEO reports such as broken links and slow pages which can help Administrators identify problematic pages to help users access them efficiently without delays or frustration.
  • Campaigns and Shortened Links.
Website Goals and Goal Funnels
  • Not Available
  • ROI is always a top priority for organizations, and with CardioLog Analytics, you can identify your SharePoint site’s performance with our unique Website Goals and Funnels reports, such as Conversion reports.
Overall Features
  • HarePoint offers numerous reports that are essentially inefficient and can be downsized to fewer reports with more efficient filters and development. These multiple reports require more work and analysis for analysts since they disperse data, rather than focusing it.
  • CardioLog Analytics offers a wide range of efficient and relevant filters for all reports, creating concise, focused and manageable and easy to digest data.
  • Unique to CardioLog Analytics is the meticulous drill-down feature that takes SharePoint site analysis one step further, with a detailed analysis of sections and/or sub-sections, single pages and documents.
  • CardioLog Analytics offers reports with greater in-depth analysis of content and content types based on the various types of content available within SharePoint, such as Web applications, Subsites, libraries, and lists.