
Posts from the 'Portal Adoption' category

How Targeted Communication Can Drive Employee Engagement

Many businesses are beginning to realize the importance of employee engagement. In 2017, 88% of businesses aimed to improve employee engagement, according to a Virgin Pulse survey. Most firms use traditional email lists for internal communication, which leave a majority of employees feeling dissatisfied and unheard. Many companies are now switching to smarter engagement software solutions[…]

Content Adoption on Microsoft 365 - A Comparison Guide

Why is Employee Engagement Important?

In recent years, the field of employee engagement has seen increasing attention as firms focus on investing in future growth. In a Harvard Business Review survey of senior-level executives, 71% of respondents considered employee engagement a very important factor in achieving organizational success, making it one of the most highly-cited factors. Additionally, a Virgin Pulse[…]

Why is employee engagement important?

Why Most Companies are Failing to Engage Employees

Employee engagement is a crucial aspect of any business. Studies have repeatedly shown the important role engagement plays in driving productivity and profitability. Still, most businesses struggle to keep employees engaged at work. Most firms and executives are aware of the importance of employee engagement. A GloboForce report found that over a third of businesses[…]

SharePoint Gamification – Unlock Employee Engagement through Games

Finding new and fun ways to motivate your employees can sometimes be a challenge. Your staff might be disconnected from your intranet or struggling to adjust to a portal migration. This wreaks havoc on a company’s finances as disengaged employees cost the U.S. $450-550 billion every year. Finding ways to get your employees excited about[…]

Office 365 Engagement: A People-Centered Approach

Employee engagement has become a major challenge for enterprise and government organizations across the board.  Research reveals that higher employee engagement positively impacts performance and is key to competitive advantage. Employee disengagement has the opposite effect. A general lack of enthusiasm and absenteeism can result in lost productivity, higher turnover, and high business costs. According[…]

How to Drive User Adoption to Increase SharePoint Productivity

A successful SharePoint portal hinges on a well-executed end-user adoption strategy. By assessing end-user adoption metrics, organizations can gauge the overall health and performance of their portal and the depth of engagement of their end-users. Elevated adoption rates signify a vibrant portal, offering tangible value and delivering a substantial return on investment. Although many organizations[…]