Plugin for SharePoint & Microsoft 365

Whether you want to more effectively manage your relationship with customers, boost sales by tracking your potential customers website behavior, or harness the power of Facebook, our SharePoint tools have you covered. CardioLog Analytics offers an invaluable set of SharePoint plugins to help you optimize your business.


  • Use SharePoint CRM integration to add anonymous visitors’ details to their profile once they become known to you
  • Identify a visitor’s readiness to buy through our SharePoint Salesforce tool
  • Segment potential customers, and display personalized content, with SharePoint Facebook integration
  • Easily deploy additional third-party marketing tools
SharePoint Plugins by CardioLog Analytics


Dynamics CRM Integration

Our SharePoint plugin for Dynamics CRM enables you to record anonymous visitors activity and identify companies from their first click on your website. And with SharePoint CRM integration, once those potential customers do make contact with you, their visit history will be instantly added to their personal profile, helping you to know who they are and what they’re looking for – a vital SharePoint CRM integration tool that will give your sales reps a head start.

SharePoint CRM integration allows you to conduct behavioral scoring, so that you can assess a particular visitor’s readiness to buy. Each potential customer gains a score based on the number and frequency of their visits, page views, and more. By tracking their behavior on your website, SharePoint CRM integration gives you the power to determine your visitors’ level of interest. And what’s more, before they even enter information on your website, SharePoint CRM integration gives you lead intelligence on your potential customers, such as what search keywords they used, and how they arrived at your site.

SharePoint Salesforce Plugin

Also among Intlock’s powerful SharePoint tools is our SharePoint Salesforce plugin, which enables your reps to make intelligent assessments based, for example, on which of your pages and how many times your potential customers have clicked. With our SharePoint Salesforce plugin you’ll be sure your sales team is chasing up the right leads. The SharePoint Salesforce tool enables your reps to see visitors’ visits, email responses, and more within the CRM record, meaning that they’ll be carrying out their follow-up armed with valuable data. This SharePoint plugin enables you to prioritize, and to target your business where it’s most likely to get results. The SharePoint Salesforce tool empowers your reps to know, for example, where on your website a potential customer is clicking, and how they arrived at your site in the first place.

Facebook Integration

SharePoint Facebook integration enables you to enhance your potential customers’ engagement in order to boost revenues. Visitors to your website provide you with rich information through their Facebook accounts and, using our powerful SharePoint tools, you can now use this information to accurately segment them, and to deliver highly personalized content. With SharePoint Facebook integration you can categorize your visitors through the information they provide on Facebook, including demographic data, such as their age, sex, relationship status, educational background and location. And taking things a step further, web analytics based on SharePoint Facebook integration help you to know how your potential customers are engaging with your business’s own Facebook page and applications. These SharePoint tools allow you to test, segment and target your social network campaigns, in real time. With SharePoint Facebook integration, Intlock helps you to harness the social network’s value in a cost-effective way that is easy to implement, without the need for IT involvement. The heightened buzz around social network marketing makes this SharePoint plugin the next logical step for your business.

Nintex Workflows Integration

CardioLog Analytics is fully integrated with Nintex Workflows. The collaboration allows for increased transparency and a more streamlined compatibility between SharePoint reporting and Nintex workflow solutions. The solution is simple: CardioLog Analytics is the connection in between your SharePoint portal and your workflow processes. CardioLog’s enhanced reporting features are used to trigger important workflows to optimize and manage your SharePoint portal.

Third Party Tools Integration with WMAM

The web-marketing automation middleware (WMAM) is a platform for implementing and integrating third-party marketing services and tools into SharePoint Internet sites. It enables you to easily implement and use the best web-marketing solutions on the market, with no need for any programming. Our current third-party tool inventory includes SharePoint plugins for surveys, funnel analytics, chat, heat and click maps, visitor scoring, and many more.

  • Save time thanks to easy-to-implement and easy-to-use SharePoint plugins
  • Benefit from the WMAM’s synergy that takes care of code conflicts
  • Enjoy centralized control with a unified interface

To implement a web-marketing service with the WMAM, simply choose your SharePoint plugin, enter the account number for the service and activate it. It’s really as simple as that, with no need for IT involvement. What’s more, the WMAM interface provides an easy way to turn your SharePoint plugins on and off, set up test accounts, view real-time quota details for supported plugins, and add customized code for specific pages.

The WMAM also takes care of any code conflicts between the installed web-marketing tools that might affect your SharePoint pages. It also puts you firmly in control, with a unified interface for viewing and managing all of the web-marketing services and tools you’ve installed. It’s possible to enable and disable services and tools and to define which users and pages these tools should run for, without the need for development skills.

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