Visualize and Explore your SharePoint Analytics Data with Power BI

If your organization is employing a SharePoint platform, analyzing and tracking activity is critical. Knowing where your visitors are coming from, what days they’re coming most frequently, and how long they’re staying are just a few of the most important insights you can use to help improve your portal and inform your decision making. If you’re[…]

Metrics that will Change the Way you Interpret your Analytics Reports

Many of us are quite familiar with the out of the box analytics, made familiar by the popular google analytics platform. However, there are a myriad of important metrics out there that can be achieved by more advanced solutions, like CardioLog Analytics. The purpose of this guide is to introduce a number of unique metrics[…]

3 Tips for Solving Collaboration and Engagement Challenges in SharePoint

Driving collaboration and user engagement in the portal is easier said than done. That being said, take advantage of these quick tips that will help you to improve collaboration and engagement, and inspire innovation within the portal. Attain feedback from portal visitors through the use of surveys Voice of Customer surveys grant you the power[…]

monitoring office 365

Talking Social Analytics: 1 on 1 with Bill Ryan, SharePoint Evangelist

This past week, we hosted a webinar with a special guest, Bill Ryan, SharePoint evangelist. He explored the issues companies face and the options available to manage the usage and adoption metrics between SharePoint (on-prem and online) environments and the Viva Engage (Yammer) platform. Community managers, IT managers, and business leaders need metrics to show who is[…]

6 Benefits of On-Premises-Based Analytics Software

Nowadays, it seems as though the IT industry is buzzing about the advantages of cloud-based software. Many organizations are migrating their SharePoint portals and associated applications to the cloud, as the rollout of Office 365 came to fruition in February of 2013. But what if cloud-based solutions don’t fit your business model? While cloud-based solutions[…]

Improve FAST Search for SharePoint with Analytics

You are already invested in FAST Search for SharePoint, which provides your website visitors and portal users with a potentially dynamic search facility. Now you just need to make sure it fulfills that huge potential. How can CardioLog Analytics assist you in making sure your portal search investment is realized? To put it simply, the[…]

5 Reasons Why SaaS Analytics Make Sense for Your Business

What is SaaS? Software as a Service (SaaS) is a software distribution model in which applications are hosted by a vendor or service provider and made available to customers over a network, such as the Internet. Instead of installing and maintaining software on your own server, you simply access the software through the internet. This[…]

Get your SharePoint Portal in Shape for 2024

As 2024 begins, we are all looking ahead to make the best of this upcoming year. As we all set our New Year’s resolutions to get into shape for 2024, why not apply the same notion to your SharePoint portal? Get your SharePoint portal into the best shape possible by focusing on these 5 basic[…]

SharePoint Governance

Governance is an important part of every SharePoint deployment. Like most things, a portal has its rules; what is allowed, and what isn’t. If there are no rules there’s chaos, and as most know, SharePoint can be a pretty chaotic place in and of itself. This is why we need to have a clear governance[…]