
Posts from the 'Advanced Analytics' category

Where Marketers (Used to) Fear to Tread

During the height of the recent recession, marketing industry publications were lamenting the diminishing average tenure of the CMO. 22 months was about the time when someone in the hierarchy got tired of waiting for results. The lamentation was well-meaning: Marketing is under a great deal of pressure to create ROI immediately and this pressure[…]

Event Tracking vs. Virtual Pageviews

Straightforward page-tracking can be easily performed using Google Analytics, but what happens when we want to track more complex activities, such as watching a video, clicking on an external link, or switching between tabs on a single-page application?   Such activity tracking can be performed using one of the following two methods: Event Tracking: By[…]

Event Tracking vs. Virtual Pageviews

Intlock Hackathon

Last week we had our first hackathon. We took the entire company – Product and Development Teams – to the desert for a two-and-a-half day coding session. Except for a few team members who couldn’t join us (mainly from our Boston office), almost all the Intlock technology guys were in one place – for the[…]

Cooperation – The New Paradigm for Business

Cooperation will soon trump any other concept in the world of business. An evolutionary step beyond collaboration, cooperation will be the pivotal concept in how sustainable societies, corporations, and organizations are structured. Whereas collaboration connotes people working with each other, cooperation connotes people working with and for each other. While some market theorists believe in[…]

One Conversation: Marketing, IT, and Intlock

Some years ago, I wrote a piece arguing that IT Professionals and marketers have much more in common than is typically thought. In the popular conception, IT and marketing are cordoned off from each other, each group having a different lexicon and a different culture. This conception holds also that marketing and IT are in[…]

Unbounce and Visual Website Optimizer as your Testing Platform

Summary: Unbounce and Visual Website Optimizer are both good candidates for a Testing platform. Each covers different aspects and has its pros and cons. In this post I will compare the two and explain why in my opinion, using both of them together is probably the best solution available out there at the moment.  […]

Changes in the Web Analytic Market Landscape, Part II

In my previous post, I described the changes that the Web Analytics Industry has seen over the past 6 years (more or less). From there being very few vendors, we have now reached a point where for each segment there are literally dozens of companies offering their services. In addition, huge changes have occurred in[…]

Changes in the Web Analytics Market Landscape

The real evolution of the Web Analytics Industry, in my opinion, began when Urchin was acquired by Google back in 2005. In reality, web analytic tools already existed prior to this event, and Urchin was not the first company to use a JavaScript agent. However, what made their solution unique was that (a) they were[…]

The SharePoint Phenomenon and The Last Mile

The meteoric rise of Microsoft’s SharePoint platform is the stuff of software history. From its foundation about a decade ago to a multi-billion dollar business with a vast and growing ecosystem, SharePoint is a powerful platform for collaboration, content management, and Digital Marketing, both inside and outside the firewall.   As with all Microsoft products,[…]